Summer is steamed (#184)

Northern Hemisphere, Earth – A meeting of the phenological periods of Earth was called hastily this afternoon.  The four annual members appeared simultaneously to air concerns raised by Summer in particular.

The traditional collector cards were offered onsite

As the press conference was about to commence, this reporter noted that Summer had a look about her that was disturbing. Mother Nature, our moderator, called the session to order.

“I just arrived and I have to say, WTAF?” Summer bellowed.

As an observer of previous Summer launches, the assembled crowd was startled.

“I heard it was 41° C in Italy and in the mid 30s in southern, bloody Ontario yesterday already!” She added.

There was no doubt Summer was upset, so a questioned interrupted her rant, “What’s the problem, Summer?”

Weather presenter should have worn oven mitts

Summer responded, “That shit is my gig. FFS! Forest fires, tornadoes, monsoon-like rain are already at it in peculiar places up here. I am calling out Spring for him bounding over his steps.”

Already into his seasonal nap, Spring was abruptly awakened.

“Uh, what was I to do? I was left with bugger all snow to clear out, and the fricking tulips were up almost before I took charge,” he retorted.

“Sonofabitch,” Winter interjected,” Autumn hadn’t turned the leaves she is supposed to do. Snow on green leaves looks like shit! Am I right, people?”

Fall, or Autumn her preferred name, declared, “Yoh, Summer! Don’t even consider extending your term. I have leaf painters already under contract!”

Round and round they go, when they stop complaining? WTFK!

As the instigators of this session continued to bicker, it was noted one disguised individual was enjoying the chaos far too much.

Before anyone could snap a photo, a keen observer identified Climate Change before it slink away from further interrogation.


2024 06 20

Author: dougzone22

Canadian. My posts will be like the beer I drink: crafty!

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